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How does the iLok Machine activation process work?

1 min read

iLok handles software authorizations. You need to have an iLok account in order to use the software, however setting up an iLok account is free on

Note: iLok is NOT required to work with our regular BOOM Library Sound FX packs.


  1. When purchasing our software, you will – in a separate email – receive a license activation code that you have to link to your iLok account and to your workstation. If you do not already have an iLok account set up, visit to create an account and your unique iLok-ID (scroll down for a tutorial video).
  2. Your iLok licenses are managed through a free app called iLok License Manager. Download and install the free app from the manufacturer website at
  3. Start the iLok License Manager application mentioned in step 2.
  4. Within the iLok License Manager app, select the menu entry Licenses -> Redeem Activation Code or click the code icon in the upper right corner (next to the search field).
  5. If you’re not already logged in, a popup window will appear asking you to login.
  6. Copy and paste the software license activation code to activate it (a 30 numeric character code (i.e. 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-12)). You will find the activation code in the email with the subject “BOOM Library | License Key for Order #[your order number]
  7. Select your workstation (or your iLok USB device if you have one) as the activation location to immediately activate the license and confirm the location (scroll down for a tutorial video).
  8. Have fun using our software 🙂


Creating an iLok Account

Redeeming an Activation Code