The power behind movement
When designing trailers, titles, and other movie projects, we often find that our videos and animations just don’t feel alive. You just can’t feel the movement with the sounds that are currently on the market. That’s what inspired us to create CINEMATIC MOTION, so that we’d have a professionally crafted set of modern sounds ahead of the trends that really injects a sense of momentum into our projects.
The Trailer
For CINEMATIC MOTION, we focused on the needs of next-generation effects – all the sounds you would need for moving effects, from the basics like titling, logo movements and transitions, superhero powers, magic spells, flying objects, racing underwater and sounds that you’ve never heard before. Our aim in creating this collection was to boost the sense of constant movement with a pack of non-aggressive, complex sounds with both tonal and non-tonal elements, including whooshes, zaps, and textures.
“We wanted to instill projects with a sense of movement through sound, to level-up titling and other motion-oriented effects,” Michael Schwendler, the project lead, said. “And we wanted to do that using the latest technology, to capture and define future trends.”
Your visuals require fitting sounds. Even with a moving image, it still won’t *feel* moving without the audio to go along with it. Everything comes to life with more impact and motion with the right sounds. When the title swoops onto the screen, you can feel in your gut that it’s there before you. Or when flying through the air, passing buildings or other objects, with the whooshes transporting the listener onto the scene.
This library of energetic and animated sounds was crafted from both organic and synth sources. Our sound designers here truly opened a well of creativity, using sheets, wind, cars, and even paper umbrellas. They took those freshly recorded sounds and molded and mangled them beyond recognition, until they found the perfect formula that makes the audio unfold the motion and movement in your projects.
The Construction Kit is full of sounds that are best used in layers. They add texture and character to any sound spectrum. With the Designed pack, though, the intensity is dialed up a notch further. These sounds are truly drag and drop, with the full sense of motion prepared for you.
CINEMATIC MOTION is certain to make your projects move!
Click here to learn more about our new library.
The Demos
Make sure to order CINEMATIC MOTION by March 30 to save 20% with our introductory offer!