Stalking along the seacoasts, seals, sealions, walruses and dolphins are surprisingly some of the top predators of the shallow seas. The barking excitement of our blubbery friends really got us excited, bringing our Sanken CO-100K to the rocky waterfront the first thing in the morning. We captured all the groaning, barking, breathing, whistling, roaring, and snorting that we could coax out of them.
These sounds aren’t just for seacoast effects though. The high-quality, 192 kHz recordings make for perfect stepping off points for further creature sound design. Creating bone-rattling shouts, terrifying groans, and cthulu-like slithering and sloshing effects can all be done effortlessly using these sounds as a base. Or use it to design the sound for one of the deadliest creatures of all time like we did in our trailer.
The Trailer
The Details
The collection comes as a massive 5.9 GB Construction Kit, with 1,085 sounds organized into 179 files. It’s available in 24-bit WAV format. This all means that these are some of the sharpest, most detailed raspy sea lion barking and dolphin blow hole sloshing sounds on the market.
We recorded 4 very diverse sounding aquatic predators of the world:
Seals – Groaning, barking, creaking and breathing
Sea Lions – Breathing, barking, growling and chugging
Bottlenose Dolphins – Clicks, whistles, and bursts of water
Walruses – Roaring and snorting
Make sure to order AQUATIC PREDATORS by August 23rd to benefit from our special offer!