Spanish sex toy production company Bijoux Indiscrets invited woman to make their most intimate thing public – their orgasm. More than 750 women from around the world (51 countries) have been bold enough to record and publish their real orgasms.
The idea is to make a data base of real orgasm sounds available to the people to feel comfortable with whatever sound they make. Furthermore Bijoux Indiscrets wanted to give a voice to “the diversity of female pleasure” and show that sex is pluralistic, with plenty of nuances, utterly different to the version depicted by the media and porn movies.
That’s why they created the Library of Real Orgasms a place where everyone is invited to record the sound of a real orgasm and share it anonymously. Each of them has helped the orgasm sound library to get 50.00 visits per month converting it into a resource of creation and consumption of content with three million plays.
With all this tagable and shareable “Data Art” they created an exhibition that is touring the world’s greatest cities and which will culminate at the New York Museum of Sex. These real time orgasms were transformed into unique and personalized motion graphics.
Using the website and front-line technology, these sounds have been transformed into a work of art (Data-Art) for each user, which have been compiled into a great gallery that aims to pay homage to the female orgasm and, above all, to disseminate the sound of real female pleasure in a visual way.

Among the Data-Art on display was a real orgasm contributed by Amarna Miller, one of Spain’s best porn stars and feminist director. For her orgasm, the only one in the library that is not anonymous, they created an interactive poster that allows you to listen to it with the simple stroke of a finger and it is the star piece in the exhibition.
“This is not just the Amarna Miller real orgasm, it’s also the orgasm of a real girl” – Amarna Miller
A huge number of articles and studies show that the image we have of sex is completely distorted by what we have seen in the media, especially in porn movies. Bijoux Indiscrets, a brand committed to empowering women wanted to show that real sex is different from sex in the movies and talking about it is the only way to make that happen.
A study called “fiction vs. reality in sex” by Bijoux Indiscrets has revealed the influence of fiction on the way that Spanish people have sex. To present the results, Bijoux Indiscrets have joined forces with Proximity Madrid to run the campaign.
22.5% of Spanish women have never or almost never managed to achieve an orgasm during sexual intercourse and most of them feel such pressure to reach orgasm or to reach it in the way their male partners are expecting that 52% of women occasionally end up faking orgasms and 11.8% always fake them.
The company conducted a study which found that screaming, panting and groaning during orgasms has become the standard method of communication during sex, but it also found that the real sounds that we make during sex are far more diverse than we are being led to believe.
Fiction vs. Reality
These orgasms have been listened to more than 1,400,000 times on their website and they have successfully proved that there is much more plurality to female pleasure than the media would have us believe.
You are invited to visit the website and use freely the real women’s orgasms in your creations: musical compositions, movies, series, commercials, computer games, short films, etc. to demonstrate the diversity female pleasure, undermining the stereotypes and prejudices that exist.